Landlord Tenant Handbook

This handbook was prepared and printed by the City of Boulder Community Mediation Service with legal advice from the Boulder City Attorney's Office. It summarizes existing State of Colorado and City of Boulder residential landlordtenant law. Knowledge of the Colorado statutes and Boulder ordinances regulating rentals can prove valuable to tenants and landlords in averting trouble before entering into a lease as well as in answering questions which may arise during the lease period and upon termination of the lease. All information contained in this handbook is subject to change at any time through subsequent court decisions or legislation.

It is strongly recommended that an attempt be made by both tenants and landlords to initiate communication to work out differences before seeking outside help. If differences arise which the parties are not able to resolve, the City of Boulder Community Mediation Service can be contacted for help at 441-4364. Free mediation services via an experienced neutral third party mediator are available to assist in resolving disputes between landlords and tenants or between roommates.

The information in this handbook does not constitute legal advice. Information contained herein is current as of September 1994, but there is no assurance that the laws have not changed or been amended. This information is meant to serve only as a general guide and is not intended to be used as a substitute for seeking advice from an attorney or other qualified professionals.