The Plain-Person's Guide to Minnesota
Landlord-Tenant Law

A compilation of resources dealing with landlord-tenant laws in the state of Minnesota

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By moving forward the user assumes the risk that information in this guide may be incomplete or inaccurate. All material is presented as-is and warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. This guide is presented as a supplement to competent legal representation and should not be used in place thereof.

All parts of all pages, including but not limited to text and HTML encoding, with the exception of original governmental texts (including the Attorney General's Handbook) Copyright©1995, Olen Publishing, 1604 Dayton Ave., St. Paul, MN 55401. All Rights Reserved.

Verbiage of Landlords and Tenants, Rights and Responsibilities Copyright©1995, Hubert H. Humphrey III, Minnesota Attorney General. World Rights Reserved.

Minnesota Multi Housing Association Lease Copyright©1994, Minnesota Multi Housing Association, 8030 Old Cedar Avenue, Bloomington, MN 55425-1215

No rights are claimed to the text of original government works.