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Landlord Harassment

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Landlord Harassment

Postby Mayra » Thu May 14, 2015 9:00 pm

After Ronald Reagan left office, a huge scandal revolving around the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Department was exposed. Money was being given by HUD to politically connected developers & landlords who kept the money & shared it with their friends in Congress. Despite the severity of the situation, it is largely unknown in the public mind. A mere Google search for “HUD scandal” does not lead to tons of reputable sources about the incident. HUD itself is not as well known as other federal departments. With very little attention, HUD has the perfect breeding ground for corruption.

I have stumbled across this corruption myself. I live in a HUD-subsidized apartment owned by Phipps Houses Group (Adam Weinstein is the President and CEO of Phipps). When I moved here four years ago I discovered a mold infestation in my bathroom—it turns out the entire building had one—and when I tried to address this through Phipps and HUD, I was ignored. An HPD inspector reported the mold and Weinstein/Phipps had to pay thousands of dollars to upgrade vents in two adjoining buildings consisting of about 300 units each. Ever since, Phipps has been harassing me. I have kept track of Phipps and HUD's unprofessional practices and believe that there is a scandal the size of the previous one waiting to be exposed. The people at the top of HUD are unethical: According to HUD's own Inspector General Montoya, Secretary Julian Castro has a history of misusing funds, former Secretary Shaun Donovan has a questionable friendship with Adam Weinstein, Regional Administrator, Mirza Orriols was charged with discrimination (within days of being found guilty of discrimination was promoted). They allow developers and landlords to do unethical practices as well. I alleged that in my case, Phipps has manipulated federal documents pertaining to the Section 8 process, discriminated against me, repeatedly attempted to illegally evict me and in the process committed fraud upon the court, and tampered with my mail as well as intentionally withholding my mailbox key to prevent me from accessing my mail.
At some point it is likely that Adam Weinstein/Phipps has received some of your hard earned money from the federal, state, or city government.In the video you can witness what this very powerful & influential man does with your money. The adam weinstein is a billionaire who was born into wealth.

Adam Weinstein is someone you should want to know about not only because he gets millions in government money but because of the extreme amount of power that he possesses with politicians & HUD Officials. For example, HUD Officials have been provided with documentation of alleged fraud with a federal instrument. These officials have also been made aware of alleged criminality that Adam Weinstein has been engaging in for the past three years yet the evidence is ignored by them.
A few days ago one of the individuals who I allege is involved in the cover up, Project Manager Christine El Shahat, sent me an email. In the emails she states that the documents were forwarded to HUD IG and that no fraud was found. It does not take a genius to know what HUD's IG response will be given HUD's rampant corruption.

El Shahat's email gives the impression that the HUD Officials submitted the documents to the IG when it was me. El Shahat's email fails to address the video. More importantly my many repeated requests to port or be moved to another HUD project that is not owned or managed by Phipps/Weinstein. El Shahat also fails to address the NYPD auido of 911 calls, police reports pertaining & other supporting evidence of the FJC Security Services involvement in the harassment. HUD's repeated refusal to port us to another HUD projects leaves us in danger.

Phipps has several social programs, Phipps Development. One of the programs is to reintroduce ex-offenders back into society. Phipps and his contractor, the infamous FJC Security Services both hire these ex-offenders. It would not surprise me if the maintenance, administrative, and FJC Security Services Guards who have been actively involved in harassing me were recruited through the Phipps ex-offenders social services program.
In April/May of 2014 FJC Security Services had to pay a former employee $13M for injuries she sustained when she was beaten up while on the job. There is substantial documentation of extreme aggression that occurrs to FJC guards and those they are supposed to be protecting. If FJC Security Services cannot protect their own employees how can they be trusted to protect anyone? Why is HUD allowing any landlord to contract a security firm that hires ex-offenders to monitor and secure residential buildings? People make mistakes and have a right to work but there is a disturbing contradiction in hiring ex-offenders to work as security guards for residential buildings.

Maliciously blocks lease signing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvNx_ibLxXg

Building Security harassing me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gwD2l-O0Ig

Cops coming to my door: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLZ5FpbIlyI
Posts: 1
Joined: Thu May 14, 2015 8:51 pm

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