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New Management Company in my Building - no notice at all

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New Management Company in my Building - no notice at all

Postby IdiotWind » Mon Aug 02, 2021 12:45 pm

So over the weekend, I did not get my normal notice that my rent payment was going to be processed through ClickPay. I went on their website and noticed it wasn't loading my information so I contacted their support which only operates M-F, so in the meantime I sent an email to a billing person I had corresponded with before to let him know there was something wrong with the site and I wouldn't hear back until August 2nd at the earliest.

This morning I got an email back from that person saying they are no longer our management company and the building is now managed by Keystone and the dreaded Dan Shalom.

We, or at least I got no notice of this except a sign on the front door saying the building has a new super with a number to call in case of emergency. Previous management has attached a Dan Shalom email but I haven't heard back yet. I called Keystone today but have not heard back.

This is worrying because I am simply trying to pay my rent and feel sort of left in the dust. Worst yet is I noticed through StreetEasy that another 1BR unit in my building has been rented 2 weeks ago fro $1000 more than I am currently paying on an 18 month lease signed in Oct 2020. So now not only am I worried about being fined for late rent payment but also just getting a huge rent increase if and when they offer me to resign/extend my lease.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks
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Re: New Management Company in my Building - no notice at all

Postby TenantNet » Mon Aug 02, 2021 12:56 pm

A few questions...

Please let us know the address of the building by private mail (or email). Do not post it on the public area of the forum.

There used to be a Shalom Tenants Alliance, but their website seems to be offline.

Do you have a tenant association in your building?

Are you rent stab? Anyone in your building that is rent stab? (you said 18 mo. lease which would not be legal under rent stab).

Look at the fine print of your lease. Does it say anything about late fees?

Have you gotten anything in the mail about the change in ownership?
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Re: New Management Company in my Building - no notice at all

Postby IdiotWind » Mon Aug 02, 2021 2:33 pm

thank you, I sent you a PM
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Re: New Management Company in my Building - no notice at all

Postby TenantNet » Wed Aug 04, 2021 8:16 am

OK, I looked at your PM. The address you indicated appears to be a six-floor tenement walk-up, nothing fancy. The retail store on the ground floor apparently has a different street number than the rest of the building. that's a bit strange, but probably immaterial.

You might consider putting together a tenant association, not that you're going to war, but just in case something happens you won't have to spend the time to organize later.

AFAIK, the Shalom Tenants Alliance website is down and I don't know if the group exists anymore, but you can find out about them by some Googling and research, and a LOT about the Shaloms as landlords.

These popped up - but there are many more:
https://evgrieve.com/2011/11/so-shaloms ... -your.html
https://www.nysenate.gov/newsroom/artic ... -buildings

There is a chance that your unit might have been deregulated illegally. You should research the prior occupants (do it quietly and under the radar). Get a DHCR rent history going back to 1984. Talk to neighbors to see who lived there. If RS, there might be a limit on any overcharges, but the RS status should hold (if not deregulated legally).

Having a RS status - or just looking into it - can add important protections for any tenant. If you file with DHCR, that might preclude any effort to get you out while the case is being considered. So I would do research first, and if there's support for it, consider filing with DHCR.

As your building is on a major avenue, I would start sniffing around to see if any developments are being considered ... a reason for buildings to be sold and for efforts to clear buildings. Real estate companies are thinking ten years ahead; so should you.

Late fees, See http://tenant.net/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=7648

Do companies like Click-Pay charge a percentage, like many credit cards, a charge might be 3%. That could be $30 for each $1,000 of rent. I would pay by check or money order. The LL can't force you to use Click-Pay.

I think LLs are required to give written notice to tenants on a change of ownership. Search for "attorn" or "Notice of Attornment." Google it as well. I don't know if that applies to all buildings or all tenants. Some sources that only has to do with mortgages, but also see https://www.owenhodge.com.au/blog/what- ... s-located/ and similar articles.

This is a must for any ongoing DHCR or court cases.
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Re: New Management Company in my Building - no notice at all

Postby IdiotWind » Wed Aug 04, 2021 10:16 am

thank you for the helpful information. Seems silly but do you mind sharing the link here of the best way to get a DHCR rent history?
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Re: New Management Company in my Building - no notice at all

Postby TenantNet » Wed Aug 04, 2021 10:23 am

I think there are a couple of ways to do that, but here's one (just Google DHCR Rent History)
The drop-down will have rent history on it. You might have to submit proof of residency such as a utility bill. Ask for the history going back to 1984. They have it.
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Re: New Management Company in my Building - no notice at all

Postby IdiotWind » Wed Dec 08, 2021 12:34 pm

Interesting new developments at my building

over Thanksgiving a neighbor became aware of many people squatting in vacant apartments in my building (which there are more of than [legally] occupied) and the police were called and swept 6 people out. Last night the tenants had a meeting about how to proceed with a potential rent strike and we decided as a group we would check to see if the locksmith who the property management hired to put a new lock in actually did change locks on empty apartments that were being squatted - they did not and in the process we found more squatters and the likely entry point for them getting in.

Obviously having unsecured building is a major unsafe condition violation but as a not rent stabilized tenant I worry about rocking the boat and withholding rent as my lease is expiring in a few months and I would like to stay. Any advice on how we should go on?
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Re: New Management Company in my Building - no notice at all

Postby TenantNet » Wed Dec 08, 2021 3:29 pm

I've heard of instances of "squatting" in the last year ... in some cases landlords want to get someone, anyone in their apartments to pay rent as many tenants supposedly had left due to COVID. OTOH, the last 6-9 months or so, demand for NYC apartments are reportedly back to normal.

Understand that squatting is a legal term. Just someone in an apartment does not necessarily make them squatters. It might involve trespass, it might involve owner abandonment and squatters can sometimes acquire rights to possession. Look for the phrase adverse possession. One view can be seen at "https://www.sterlingpropertysolutions.com/squatters-rights-ny/" but there are other view as well.

The police often ignore tenant protections. I've seen them force people out who have legal rights to be in units.

As you and your tenant group go forward, I would be very careful about getting facts correct and not jumping to conclusions. Some buildings these days have nothing but entitled millennials who, when they see a person of a different color, or who doesn't look at clean as them, jump to conclusions about being squatters or homeless. I've seen groups try to criminalize the homeless when the reality is often far different.

I'm not suggesting that's the case with your building, but still, you have to be careful, for legal and moral reasons.

On the other hand, you have a right to security.
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Re: New Management Company in my Building - no notice at all

Postby IdiotWind » Wed Dec 08, 2021 4:34 pm

Yes, i saw inside these area myself, one of which is a storefront that is vacant and another is just the boiler room, these are homeless people who have broken in via a back broken doorway or through our not secure front door.
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Re: New Management Company in my Building - no notice at all

Postby TenantNet » Wed Dec 08, 2021 5:56 pm

Not necessarily defending any break-ins, but it is December and it is freezing outside - many of these people's only crime is to be down on their luck. The govt-run congregate shelters can be dangerous, which is why many won't go to them. Yes, there are some bad apples, but most are decent people.

Maybe you can get a local church to help them. Granted, you can't solve homelessness, but individuals can make things just a little easier for them. And you'll feel a lot better.
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