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Tenants of Better Living Properties - complaints

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Tenants of Better Living Properties - complaints

Postby BlueElephant » Tue Jun 28, 2022 11:07 am

Hi All:

I work with a pro-tenant org. who is trying to get in contact with any current or former tenant of Better Living Properties in NYC (if you aren't sure if you lived in one of their buildings here is a list: https://whoownswhat.justfix.nyc/en/addr ... /portfolio). Specifically, we are looking to speak to tenants who were victims of their harassment, negligence, or retaliation. Any and all responses will be confidential.

If you have any information or want to speak on your experience with them, please comment below so that we can connect.

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Re: Tenants of Better Living Properties - complaints

Postby TenantNet » Tue Jun 28, 2022 1:34 pm


First, please let us know which organization you are working with. Unfortunately there are groups out there claiming to be tenant groups, but are bogus or misled.

Second, the URL you provided doesn't work - and I tried two different browsers. This happens a lot with Justfix and seems to have - on occasion - incorrect information. I would rather get information from zola.planning.nyc.gov, which is much more reliable. One can easily get additional information from DOB, HPD or ACRIS.

I remember a recent conversation on Better Living, but I'm not sure if it was on this forum or elsewhere.
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