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Renovation and other questions

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Renovation and other questions

Postby ZMan13 » Wed May 23, 2012 2:37 am

Please kindly forgive me if I am posting this in the wrong forum.
Here is my situation.

I am about to move my senior citizen parents into a newly rented apartment.

First of all, is it legal to require 2 security deposits based on the fact that my old folks' SSI does not cover the rent (and where does it in NYC???) and I am their guarantor?

The super claims he is only performing a part time duty. Never heard of it. Does it sound reasonable?

The landlord/management said there would be complete renovation.
While the kitchen was renovated and the new floor done, I had observed a number of issues.

No interior door could be closed or open properly. The landlord promised to fix it beforehand. The fix was to scrab off some paint so the doors could somewhat fit in. The bathroom door can't be opened from the outside. The bedroom door does not have a lock and, once closed, can't be opened unless I force myself in. The super's excuse is that the doors were like that for 10-20 years. These 6 doors (bedroom, bathroom, 4 closets) definitely need to go, something that the landlord is not willing to do himself but is happy if I get it done from my own pocket. Should the landlord still pay for it or it comes at my expense?

The light fixtures are missing. Again, the super says ot was like this all the time.
Is it acceptable?

The shower rod and towel bars are old, rusty, disgusting and about to fall off.
Am I to replace them or the landlord? The landlord said he wouldn't. But is he right?

The sink has some erosion. There is also a disgustingly corroded plate attached to the top of it. It definitely did not belong to the sink and must have been added ages ago. The super says the previous tenants did not complain, so why should I? The toilet is dirty and must have been placed there before I was even born. Even from the hygenic point of view I wouldn't feel safe to use either the sink or the toilet. Can I request the landlord to replace both or I better do it myself?

Neither the bathroom's nor the kitchen's outlets are gfci. Is it right?

The bath's outside filler is missing a piece, so the bath can't be filled. The super said he does not have the part. How is it my problem?

The laundry compartment can't be opened. Again, the super's story is that it was like that for as long as he remembers, and it is not his responsibility. True or not?

The paint job in the entire apartment must have been done by someone totally blind. The moding was not done at all. Traces of repaint and scratches are everywhere. What are my options? Hire a guy who will do a proper job? Can I demand the landlord to do it the right way?
Can I have the front apartment door be painted? It hasn't been touched in many years, and the layers of old paint just strip off of it.

If I hire a handyman (and I happen to know just the right guy) who will do an inexpensive and quality job, should I just bite the bullet or I can have the landlord pay for it fully or at least partially?

Please, tell me what you think. I would really appreciate any piece of advice you can give me.

Thank you all!
Posts: 1
Joined: Wed May 23, 2012 2:08 am

Postby ronin » Sat May 26, 2012 3:09 pm

Well, you are moving your folks in and have the right to refuse to take the place if it is a mess or, in the case of the interior doors, hazardous. However, if the rent is pretty good and you have a good contractor the LL approves of, then you can renovate to your hearts delight. But I would argue that the LL should give you and extended lease in return for your tidying up his property.

If the rent sucks and you are willing to move your folks, you can also force the issue and complain away like hell to 311 and withhold rent, etc.
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Joined: Sat Mar 16, 2002 2:01 am

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