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Harassment discrimination or legal but just ridiculous???

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Harassment discrimination or legal but just ridiculous???

Postby 1pissedtenant » Wed Jul 27, 2016 2:09 am

So me my wife and son go venturing for a new apartment we had been living in a motel slept in a car 1 night yeah times were bad still very shaky.. so getting a landlord to trust your words a hard thing to do these days but the landlord being in the same profession as me, driving truck, let's me go seeing I have an orientation to start work for a trucking company 2 weeks after we move in, coming up scrounding borrowing doing what we could we get up the first months rent and security deposit. All is good until I go to the orientation, we're I screw up on the driving test curb it, so I don't get the job. Some I'm back home, I witness my neighbor beating his wife, so he comes out to confront me. Long story short he's yelling threatening me while another tenant calls landlord so he can hear it all, since our landlord "will have none of that in his buildings. Landlord calls drunk tenant he gets irrate more words is as far as it goes. Well landlord finds out my job is no longer, so he comes down muttering bout he gave us a chance and if our rents not in on the first WWERE Out Of HERE, and does an On Spot random inspection and says he will be doing thwm periodically !!!! So me and drunk tenant work things out and he stopz down for just one second. Next day landlord stops again I look out peep hole figure fuck him with how he talked to me I don't need another dad I have one and do not want to listen to his sermon today. I can here him outside with drunk tenant who says so what are u going to do get the key? So landlord leaves I catch the neighbor looking at my door. I open a door to a paper stating that he will be doing random Inspections Every 48 hours!!!!!! No other tenants in this building some being here as long as 8 years have never got inspected ever!! The lease states he needs to give notice 24 hours before inspecting which was not done first inspection. I don't know if it's happening cause the job fell through, or if the neighbor said something or even if my ex said something about me no my wife ( ohhhh the beauty of small towns) either way it feels like discrimination or border line harassment to me but we just don't know what we should do going further with the days ahead yesterday I taped A note that said gone for day inspect away, but I don't just want to keep ducking him but don't know the best course of action to take.. Any thoughts?????!!!! Please help
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Re: Harassment discrimination or legal but just ridiculous??

Postby TenantNet » Wed Jul 27, 2016 3:53 am

OK so LL is being a jerk, but still you have a problem. Different areas have different laws, but most require advance notice if the LL wants to end a month-to-month tenancy, some as small as ten days.

But you say you have a lease, so unless your area has some sort of rent regulation, the lease should hold. The lease should spell out the process where the LL can end the lease ... usually for non-payment or if they claim you're creating some sort of nuisance.

On those grounds the LL can take you to court. How successful he will be depends on your lease and the laws in your location. No matter what he says in almost all locations a LL must have a court order to evict a tenant.

In most places inspections are allowed, but they must be reasonable, and every 48 hours is not reasonable. Does he need for you to be there? Does he have a key? I would tell him to schedule an inspection so you can be there ... and don't let him in unless you are there and it's reasonable. Consider the LL will get tired of this pretty quick.

Seriously, aside from the rent issue, see if you can lower the temperature a bit. Might take a bit of doing, but chances are he's just reacting.
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