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French Window Latch Repair

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French Window Latch Repair

Postby njcondo7 » Tue Sep 05, 2023 8:10 pm

My landlord was aware of the main level French Window latch being broken, which happened during our stay. He looked at it, even sent a handyman to try and fix it, but he couldn't. Handyman suggested calling a locksmith, but landlord was hesitant due to the cost. Landlord said he'll ask around the community for best fix options. 2 months passed, nothing. I sent him a text saying I was going to get a carpenter and have them fix it, adjust it with the rent. No response.

A few days ago, the French Window downstairs also had it's latch loosened, and this became a huge security issue as that door leads to the road directly. I notified the landlord of the same via email, as he was out of the country, with photos and videos of the issue. I went ahead and called a locksmith to fix both French Windows. They charged over $300, which I paid, but I forwarded the invoice and receipt, along with photos of parts changed to the landlord via email.

Come rent payment time, I deducted the costs of the lock repair and made the payment. Landlord first asked me for proof of repair etc., I reminded him it was in the email. Now he disagrees that it should be his expense, and I should have borne it. He didn't appreciate my calling a locksmith, rather than a regular skilled carpenter who would have been cheaper. He pushed for just using a stick to block the door from sliding, instead of a latch. He apologized that he was traveling and couldn't address this.

I gave him 2 months before he traveled to address this. If he thought a skilled carpenter could fix it for cheaper, he should have called one. We renewed the lease with a verbal understanding that the French window latch (main level) would be fixed, for which a handyman was sent, but in vain.

With the broken latch being a security issue, and the landlord not responding or making any further effort to fix it, and with my heads up via text that I was going to get the main level one repaired - who's responsibility is it, ultimately?
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Re: French Window Latch Repair

Postby TenantNet » Tue Sep 05, 2023 8:44 pm

I know of french doors, but haven't heard of french windows. (I found them on Google).

You don't say if you're in NYC or elsewhere or if you're regulated. We'll assume not, so the obligation to repair rests with your lease, and your local rules on habitability.

Be careful about making your own repairs without the LL's written permission. Many places to not have a "repair and deduct" law. At the same time, my experience with that depends on the seriousness of the needed repair and to what extend the tenant went through to get the repair.

Security is the LL's obligation, and calls for immediate attention. Make sure you've documented everything, including all attempts to get the LL to make repairs. Being out of the country is not an excuse in our view. He should have a local manager for the property.

I agree it's the LLs obligation for both locks. But the LL might go to court on this, or maybe decide to not renew your lease. So be careful.
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