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Ending Lease early - Building for sale

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Ending Lease early - Building for sale

Postby ThirdRail » Mon Sep 11, 2006 9:44 pm

My landlord has put the building up for sale and the closing is going to be around Oct. 1. My lease expires on Nov.1 and the new owner's brother has informed me that he plans to move into my apartment. I found a new place to live, but it would involve me ending my lease a month early (Oct.1). I've heard that in NJ, when a building goes up for sale, the tenant can break the lease and not be penalized - Is this true? Nothing is stated in my lease in reference to the sale of the building. I informed my current landlord that I want to move for Oct.1 and he put up a big fight, even cursed me out before hanging up on me, concerned that the deal might not go through and he's stuck with an empty apartment. It's a 3 apartment brownstone and the owner doesn't live in the building.

Can I move out and end my lease early without losing my security deposit to cover rent? I'm willing to go to court to get my security back, but I want to make sure of the law.
Help cause I plan to move within 3 weeks and it took me 5 months to find this new place.
Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Sep 11, 2006 9:32 pm
Location: NJ

Postby Downtown » Tue Sep 12, 2006 9:42 am

The building hasn't sold so still bound under terms of current lease.

Would suggest that you contact new owners to see if they would like to asssume lease for Oct. get this in writing.
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Joined: Sat Jun 08, 2002 1:01 am
Location: NYC, NY

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