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New LL, from Oskaloosa Iowa Need any advice

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New LL, from Oskaloosa Iowa Need any advice

Postby Justin2104 » Tue Mar 20, 2007 11:45 pm

Well my name is justin and me and my kids mom and our 2 kids have been living in a 2 bedroom apartment for around 2 years now, recently the newly built apartments have changed mgmt for the 3rd time. They seemed nice at first, but as time went on that changed.

About 2 weeks after they had been here i came home from work and the police was at my door, they had said that the ll had seen my daughter in the window and they wanted to make sure someone was here, she is 2 so of coarse her mom was here, she said she was looking out of the window and no in the window.

well anyway we are constantly be harassed by them, we had put a few things on our deck, and the ll said that we couldnt put trash out there, i told him that it wasnt trash and he said well he didnt want it out there anyway that it looked like a junkyard, keep in mind this was only a few boards and 1 chair, we where moving things around and needed a place to put it temperarly. we live in a 3 story aparment and they live above us, he constantly comes to the door saying we are being to loud, there was a few times the kids where being load at night, and i told him i was sorry about it and i wouldnt happen again.

Today for instance he came to the door in the morning and said we where being to loud, i told him it was day! he said it doesnt matter that we need to be quit anytime, i told him that was rediculas and that kids need to play. he came to the door tonight at almost 10pm saying that we need to quit slamming the doors, i told him my daughter was asleep and my son was playing video games, and that no one was doing anything of that sort, he argued "Whatever! this is the last warning!" and stormed off. It seems everytime they here a noise that it is asummed to be us nomatter what, and i am getting very tired of this.

There is otherthings as well but you get the point. Is there anything that we could do to get them off our backs or fired? Also is this any sort of criminal activity? could they be charged with harassment? Any help would be great. Thanks

Posts: 1
Joined: Tue Mar 20, 2007 11:30 pm

Postby ozmliad » Mon Mar 26, 2007 9:55 am

I would sue for post traumatic stress disorder, doccument in writing (like a diary) all the ridiculous things and demands they make, and threatening behaviors, (like slamming doors on ya) espscially since he was just complaining about noise, (kind of defeats his complaint, as he just made loud noise by slamming)
and get out to a new place for your sanity , this kind of oppression is rediculous, (sorry for spelling errors)lol
i rented from lawyers whom had their officed bbelow my apartment (we were on the second floor) they expected complete silence during daylight hours, wow they had us evicted before we could think how to defend ourselves (we were really young and didnt know our rights)
i rented from a landlord whom lived below us (wow didnt we learn from the last time??) lol he bullied us constantly, even sold our car to a junkyard without paying us for it and letting us get out a full lenght down coat and a xylaphone we had in the trunk,
i would never rent if owners live on the premisis ... never never again lol
im still getting it up the rectum from landlords we rent from now... the life of a renter is one of constant , pain suffering 26 years of renting and i just want to die now... im so exhausted, my b/f wasnt the type to even discipline our kids let alone stand up to landlord bullies
i hope the post traumatic sterss disorder lawsuit, gives you the cash for a downpayment on a house, if not look up habitat for humanity or fanny mae for help getting a house :wink:
Posts: 2
Joined: Sun Mar 25, 2007 1:04 am

Postby cestmoi123 » Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:25 pm

Frankly, the idea that the OP can win a lawsuit with PTSD damages from this LL is farcical. The LL's conduct described, while irritating, doesn't come close to rising to the level that would support such a suit, and it's extremely unlikely the OP could find a lawyer willing to take it on contingency.

Bottom line, OP can either put up with this, or move.

BTW, OP, you don't help your credibility when he says:

"there was a few times the kids where being load at night, and i told him i was sorry about it and i wouldnt happen again."

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