TenantNet Forum

Where tenants can seek help and help others


Official announcements

Moderator: TenantNet


Postby TenantNet » Sat Mar 02, 2002 4:18 pm

Welcome to the new TenantNet Forum.

We are currently in a shake-down phase, so any bugs, problems, annoyances, suggestions, etc. relating to the operation of the forum (not general tenant questions), please email those to tenant@tenant.net.

We hope this new forum software will provide more interaction and features for our users. Some may prefer the old software. That's OK, but we think it's time to move on and up. Please give this change an opportunity to sink in--you may like it. This software is widely used on the net.

For right now, anyone may post without registering, but we feel that registration will offer you additional features. At some time in the future, we may require registration.

One forum is restricted -- the Tenant Bar. This is for tenant attorneys and tenant leaders. If you feel you belong in this category (we already know many of you), then email us at tenant@tenant.net with a request for access. We'll make determinations on a case-by-case basis.

The old TenantNet forum is still available for viewing, but not posting. If you try to post there, any message will evaporate and no one will see it. It's at http://tenant.net/.WWW/board/index.html

We will be updating the forum as we move on and we will post our policies and FAQ, but in the meantime please understand that like before, this forum is meant to help tenants with issues and provide information and clarification. This is a moderated board and we reserve the right to delete messages for any reason whatsoever. Generally that includes flames, trolling and what can generally be deemed as unsubstantive emotional appeals regarding rent regulation. Those debates belong on Usenet. Go there if you wish to make noise.
The Tenant Network(tm) for Residential Tenants
Information from TenantNet is from experienced non-attorney tenant
activists and is not considered legal advice.

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Joined: Mon Jan 21, 2002 2:01 am
Location: New York City

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