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What may happen in this case?

NYC Housing Court Practice/Procedures

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What may happen in this case?

Postby Noruega » Fri Sep 03, 2010 10:43 am

I have lived at my current apartment for almost three years. I have been a good tenant, and paid my rent on time each month. She never renewed our lease that was up in February, saying that we can live there as long as we want. I knew that that was odd, but I had just found out that I am pregnant, and didn't want to move while pregnant so I let things be in order to stay in good terms.

I told my landlord over a month ago that I am pregnant, and due November 2nd. She said that she just wants peace and quiet (she lives downstairs), and I told her that I will do my best to keep the baby quiet, to the best of my abilities.

Last month, she told me that they are going to do major renovations in my apartment. Electrical re-wiring of the whole apartment, and installing a central a/c and heating unit. She pays for our heat now, it was part of the lease, but we would then have to pay for our own. She said it will take a month to complete, and we should leave for the month. I told her I have no place to go for an entire month, especially with my dog. She said I can stay through the renovations and she won't charge me for the month, or I have to move out. I told her I would have no choice but to stay. A few days later, she gave this whole "agreement" to sign, which stated that she is in no way responsible for my belongings if they get damaged, or responsible I get sick or die. I refused to sign it, and said that it is not fair that she is making me go through these renovations while I am 7 months pregnant, then making me pay for my own heating, THEN she won't be held liable for damages?? No, no way.

I had told her I would pay the rent on the 6th, and she said that was fine. That day, I went down to knock on her door to give her that rent, and found two notices on my door. One for being three days late and a 30 Day notice to vacate. I feel this was all a ploy to make me leave on my own, and once that didn't work, she decided she had no choice but to take action. I think she wants to put her daughter in my apartment.

Okay, my question is this. If we are not gone by Septemer 30th, I know she will take to this to Housing Court. We are searching every day for a place, but it is so hard in Queens to find a dog friendly apartment. When we go in front of the judge, will he give us more time to find another apartment? If so, will we be ordered to pay her back rent? There is no way I can come up with three rents needed to move into an apartment AND pay her rent as well. By the time we go to court, I will be ready to give birth, or the baby may be born by then.
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Joined: Thu Sep 02, 2010 4:45 pm

Postby TenantNet » Fri Sep 03, 2010 11:17 am

Are you rent stabilized, or should you be? How many units in the building? How old is the building. Have the neighbors lived there long? Ask them about RS status. What is your rent?
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Postby Noruega » Fri Sep 03, 2010 11:38 am

TenantNet wrote:Are you rent stabilized, or should you be? How many units in the building? How old is the building. Have the neighbors lived there long? Ask them about RS status. What is your rent?

I pay $1400 a month, and it is not stabilized. I live on the 2nd floor of a private house, the landlord lives on the first floor. There are only our two units.
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Joined: Thu Sep 02, 2010 4:45 pm

Postby Noruega » Fri Sep 03, 2010 3:46 pm

Any advice? I guess since it's a long holiday weekend, there's not too many people hanging around here....
Posts: 3
Joined: Thu Sep 02, 2010 4:45 pm

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