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My mails and packages are stolen by another tenant, but LL

NYC Rent Regulation: Rent Control/Rent Stabilized, DHCR Practice/Procedures

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My mails and packages are stolen by another tenant, but LL

Postby NYLover » Mon Feb 05, 2018 10:25 am

Subject: My mails and packages are stolen by another tenant, but LL refuses to do anything.

Since sometime in the mid- January, I've missing my mails and lost a couple of packages.
I already contacted the post office and I have a case #, but they have been very reluctant, unhelpful and clueless.
A few days ago I talked to the super and he told me an old lady one floor up may have my packages, and she has been taking other tenants' packages.
That old lady stole my package last summer and demand $10 for returning the package to me, and I refused because I saw the package was already opened.
But I did not know she has been doing the same thing to other tenants.
I talked to another tenant who lost two packages during last December and he[the other tenant] told me he had complained to LL but LL wouldn't do anything because there's no proof she stole the package.
I called and asked LL to talk to that old lady so that she would return my packages and mails, but LL told me to go to the police.
I explained to LL that the postal system is Federal and this is a federal crime, and the police (the 33rd Precinct) already told me they do NOT investigate petty larceny.

I also asked LL to replace my mailbox with a new one & new key (my mailbox is a bit loose, rattling), but LL flat out told me he would not replace it, because it's the post office's responsibility (????)

I tried to rent a PO box and already paid $45, but the post office refused to accept my current lease as proof of address because I crossed out and change an obvious mistake in the year that I signed. I asked LL to send me the LL's original lease, but I'm not so sure I will ever going to receive it.

What should I do? Can I withhold the rent?
I already lost two large packages and my replacement credit card, Amazon gift card, etc.
I have no place else to receive my mails and packages.

Please help me!
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Re: My mails and packages are stolen by another tenant, but

Postby TenantNet » Mon Feb 05, 2018 12:58 pm

Who at the Post Office did you contact? Your local station, or the US Postal Inspection Service? They do get serious. https://postalinspectors.uspis.gov/

PO BOX 555
NEW YORK NY 10116-0555
Phone : (877) 876-2455

Or you could call the NY District Office of the USPS at 421 Eighth Avenue. (James A. Farley Post Office) at 212-330-3600. Go as high as you need to. Tell them there is ongoing theft in the building.

Do you have actual proof this other tenant is the person who took you mail and packages? Or it is just speculation? For packages left out, unless they were delivered by USPS, it's not in their jurisdiction. For other packages you need to deal with the carrier, i.e., UPS or Fedex.

If your mail box secure? That is the landlord's obligation. I would deal with the actual landlord, not the super. I believe mail theft might be considered a felony. LLs are responsible for the maintenance of the physical box in the building.

Even without proof, you can still put the fear of God into her (and it's always better to put the fear of God into the LL as well). You do that by explaining the law and the consequences. And yes, you should file a police report.

Do you have some sort of demand letter or notice from the tenant? That would be proof in my opinion.

You could withhold rent, but the LL would take you to court. If you know what they are doing, you can use that for leverage. In the alternative you can file a HP Action in Housing Court, demanding repairs.
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Re: My mails and packages are stolen by another tenant, but

Postby NYLover » Mon Feb 05, 2018 4:03 pm

I contacted the postal inspection service, and dialed the same number.
I never get to a live person except through Amazon CS 3 way calling (one of the boxes lost was Amazon). They just listened to me and gave me a case number.
The first time I got the case, I was told by the system the case was "resolved", so I again called through Amazon, and got it escalated with another case number.

I only got an email response of the acknowledgement from General Customer Service, and nobody contacted me, so I contacted the number(212 942 5266) asking for the general customer service, Ms E. She just gave me runaround, said she was too busy, I talked too many people...last week she almost screamed at me and flat out told me she would not give me any time frame for me to check upon the case. I am thinking of calling her again today, but not sure it's a good idea.

I didn't know about the district office, I will contact them as well.
But it seems Ms E, the general customer service, who is in charge of the investigation, and she said she was the only one, she was too busy, etc.

I received UPS without any issue, because they never leave packages at my door.
But I am not sure USPS really delivered the package, because I was waiting for the package all day Sunday on 28th, but nobody buzzed or rang the bell, and the tracking still showed the package was left at my door.

Up until now, they always left a note in my mailbox, so I can bring the note with my ID to the nearby post office to get the package.

I understand there's no proof that the old lady stole my particular packages, but it's undeniable that she's been taking other tenant's packages without permission and ask for money. I'd like to go to the police with another tenant, but another tenant I talked to told me that old lady might do something crazy if they go to the police, and would not go to the police with me. That old lady is really tall, loud, looks very strong, and yes crazy. I don't know who could put the fear of God into her except the LL's eviction notice.

My lease ends at the end of March, but in the mean time I have a lot to order from many different online stores.
Obviously my mailbox is not secure, it's loose, and I've been careful not to break it open.
How can I put the fear of God into LL, so he can listen?

If LL refuse to help me to get a PO box, then I'd get a mail box with UPS, which will cost me $105 for the minimum 3 months, can I deduct this amount from the rent?
What if he would deduct it from my security deposit?

Please help me and thank you in advance.
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Re: My mails and packages are stolen by another tenant, but

Postby TenantNet » Mon Feb 05, 2018 4:12 pm

UPS doesn't deliver on the weekend.

I've gotten some action from:

Area Manager's Office
Mr. Robert Amendola
380 W 33 St. Rm. No. 4012, New York, NY 10199

Chances are you would speak with the secretary, Ms. Chio, at 330-3583
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Re: My mails and packages are stolen by another tenant, but

Postby NYLover » Mon Feb 05, 2018 6:00 pm

UPS don't but USPS delivers packages on Sundays - I did not know this until recently.

I just called the district office and they transfer my call to the manager of Consumer Affairs Office. He told me to go online and request "hold mail" for the time being.
The manager was really helpful.

Here's the info for other people with same problems:
212-330-3070 Mr. Sterling Lee, the manager of Consumer affairs Office

But I still want to have LL listen to me, he should talk that old lady so she will stop.
And hopefully, return my packages to me.

Thank you so very much.
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Re: My mails and packages are stolen by another tenant, but

Postby Cranky Tenant » Tue Feb 06, 2018 3:00 pm

Most mail boxes have replaceable locks and they're relatively cheap. Check with your local hardware store. Packages can be received at either a PO Box or one of these Postal Service stores. You don't need the landlord's help to set one up.
I'm a cranky tenant NOT a cranky lawyer.
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Re: My mails and packages are stolen by another tenant, but

Postby TenantNet » Tue Feb 06, 2018 3:31 pm


It's the LLs obligation to maintain a working lock on the mailbox, not the tenant's. And yes, places do exist where on can set up a receiving location, but tenant's should not have to do that for home delivery.
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