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Rent History interpretation

NYC Rent Regulation: Rent Control/Rent Stabilized, DHCR Practice/Procedures

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Rent History interpretation

Postby skzzyy » Thu Aug 11, 2022 6:39 pm

I just received my rental history, and good news is that my unit was at least rent stabilized at one point, but the bad news is, I have no idea if it still is. Starting in 2014, it says "reg not found for subject premises".

My lease that I signed last October specifically said it was not subject to rent regulation, but I also know that LLs and brokers don't necessarily tell the truth.

Here is what my rental history looks like starting a few years before 2014:

2007: RS / 1255.61 / NA / 1150 / PREF RENT
2008: RS / 1293.28 / NA / NA / NA
2009: RS / 1684.77/ NA /1400 / PREF RENT VAC LEASE MCI IMPRVMNT
2010: RS / 1785.77 / 1400 / NA / LEAS RNL
2011: RS / 1785.77 / 1400 / NA / 2ND SUCC
2012: RS / 1852.74 / 1452.50 / NA / LEAS RNL
2013: RS / 2186.23 / 1550 / NA / VAC LEAS

Then after that, it's just "reg not found for subject premise"

My building is neither J-51 or 421a exempt.

Based on Streeteasy, it rented for around 1800 in late 2017, and based on those pictures, the kitchen has been slightly updated since then (new oven and floor). I spoke to the last tenant, and he said he also did not have a rent-stabilized lease, and that his rent increased from 1800 to 1900 pre-covid. I do believe he is the person who signed the lease in 2017, so it seems as if the small improvements were made while he lived there, and perhaps that was the justification for his rent increase? But that's just speculation.

I signed my lease last year for 1775 (was listed at 1850). Not quite a covid deal, but she worked with me a bit!

So, the legal rent very well could have reached the rent threshold between 2014-2017 due to vacancy increases or improvements, and therefore become deregulated, right? Since that rule applies to the legal rent as opposed to the pref rent, I'm guessing? And I'm also guessing there's no straightforward way to really check if my LL is telling the truth about it not being RS anymore...

I'm just anticipating the worst when my renewal comes in because they listed the unit below me (same exact layout), for 2,200!!! Who knows if it actually rented for that, but jeez. The kitchen is a bit more updated than mine and the bathroom is totally newer than mine, so it makes sense for it to be a bit more, but it seems a little crazy--it looks like it was last rented for $300 less than that last year, and no improvements have been made since then. Also, clearly the person who lived there was only there for a year, and I'm worried she left because of a rent increase, and that I'm doomed to the same fate :(

Also, just a general question--shouldn't it be some sort of violation for LLs not to file these things for so many years? There's so little transparency as it is.
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Joined: Thu Aug 11, 2022 5:25 pm

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