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NYC Rent Regulation: Rent Control/Rent Stabilized, DHCR Practice/Procedures

Moderator: TenantNet

Thanks to everyone

Postby rosy » Thu Mar 10, 2005 11:36 am

Why does it always seem that LL's want to victimize their RS tenants? It seems that RS tenants have to put up with so much crap just to be able to rent an apartment that we can afford, even though some RS rents are pretty high. When I first rented my apartment back in 1981 the first year was OK, but from 1982 through 1987 I had every LL (there were 4) try to get me out for some stupid reason that never existed. We were sent threating letters, offered money to vacate, you name it. Then our present LL who has never given anyone any grief over anything, after 17 years, decided to put the house on the market. Now after many years of peaceful living, I'm getting ready to fight the good fight, and will need a lot of help, I'm sure. I would like to thank everyone who contributes to this website. It is a great source of information.
Posts: 47
Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2005 2:01 am

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