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Can the new owner come and go every time they please!!!

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Can the new owner come and go every time they please!!!

Postby mostra » Thu Dec 04, 2014 4:52 pm

Dear TenantNet,
I wrote earlier in the week about being kicked out of my non-regulated apartment, where I've lived for more than 12 years.
A week ago the wife of the new owner asked to have access to the apartment, because she wanted to come with an architect to "inspect" the building. Only when they arrived we realized that what they were really doing was making a floor plan! This was on Tuesday Nov. 24
Then on Thanksgiving weekend, she sents an email on 3am in the morning on Sunday asking for "quick access" at 11:30am! I was away in Maine that weekend and told her so.
Now Friday she sent the email below. But now you can see how her attitude is becoming bossy and kind of rude:

Hello again. I would like to reschedule for this Sunday. Can you kindly have someone leave me a key by the front door or in the lock box in front of the building. I will be there at 10 am.
Thank you.
Have a nice day.

Why would I have to leave my key wherever she wants me to leave it?!?!!! and why she doesn't even ask first if I'll be at home?!!?? and if it would be possible?!!! Am I being over-sensitive? Do I have to let her in every time she wants!?!

Obviously she's excited with their new acquisition and is already dreaming of the changes she would like to make... (we heard her when she came for the first time with her architect, that they are planning to convert my apt. and the one downstairs in a 2 floor huge apt. and move in here)

But can she just trample over me anytime she wants? Specially at this very sad and painful time for us... (as I already expressed before we really don't want to move out but we know we have to leave by Jan 31 and we will but can we still ask for some respect?!!
Or because we are M2M tenats we don't even have that right?!!! :(
Posts: 8
Joined: Wed Nov 12, 2014 2:33 pm

Re: Can the new owner come and go every time they please!!!

Postby TenantNet » Thu Dec 04, 2014 5:09 pm

You're running in two diffferent threads, and this is the third. Please follow the forum rules and put it all in one thread.
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Re: Can the new owner come and go every time they please!!!

Postby mostra » Fri Dec 05, 2014 6:26 pm

Sorry I misunderstood the way the forum works.
I thought that everything is by topic, and since this is different than the surrender agreement question. I thought I had to start a new topic on a different thread for it.
Anyway. From now on I'll just post questions on the other thread.
I really appreciate all your help and wasn't my intention to upset the way the forum works.
Thank you so much again,
Posts: 8
Joined: Wed Nov 12, 2014 2:33 pm

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