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Co-op apartment, noisy neighbor

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Co-op apartment, noisy neighbor

Postby Gigi551 » Tue May 28, 2019 12:23 pm

This issue has been going for quiet a while now. While being the owner of the unit myself, and the neighbor is also owns his unit, he continues disrespecting the Co-op housing rules, calling me "F-g "B" and knocks on my wall, if i complain to the security because of the noise. The music blast loud through the thin like paper walls, any time of the day. The person now is in court with the Co-op management, because of some violation of other rules.
He wrote some notes to me, claiming that he sensed the pot smell, coming from my bathroom vents, and assumed that i smoke pot. Which i am not, its funny because my neighbor upstairs smells heavily and i can smell it. The noisy neighbor puts loud Spanish music though bathroom vents, and another note under my door couple of weeks ago, saying "how about this as a consequence" little "bachata" for the Russian"?
I can't take it anymore, I don't want to come back home, in the anticipation of another burst of music, it really disturbs my peace.
I have complained to the management office of our Co-op, wrote to the president of the Co-op board , they seems to be aware of the noise, and aware of the "trouble maker" but they don't enforce anything. Why co-ops do that? is it of the poor management? What are my rights, and what i can do ?
Thank you
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Joined: Tue May 28, 2019 12:03 pm

Re: Co-op aparment, noisy neighbor,

Postby TenantNet » Tue May 28, 2019 1:44 pm

First, you and the person about whom you are complaining are both owners. This forum is for tenants, not owners or landlords.

Having said that the solution lies with the coop board. You might have to sue them for not enforcing rules, making a nuisance, the person harassing you and so on. Have you filed a police report on this threats? Put you complaints in writing to the board. Consider running for the board yourself. Talk to a lawyer that specializes in co-ops. But be forewarned. Many attorneys will not take neighbor-to-neighbor noise cases as they are so hard to win. And above all, you need to document everything. Make audio and video recordings. Get witnesses, etc.
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Re: Co-op aparment, noisy neighbor,

Postby Gigi551 » Fri Jun 07, 2019 11:37 am

thank you for replying
I understand what you are saying. The only solution is to love out or sell this apartment !
I haven’t filled a police report, i did however write to the board, multiple times,
Suing the board sounds good, but i don’t have the money to do so and i know most of the co-op management is corrupt anyway.

Today i had another episode of loud yelling and “soap opera” from the neighbors. Didn’t have a good night of sleep :(
I went to the management office now and told them that i will not pay a maintenance fee until they resolve this issue.
They are aware of the issue and have all the reports and letters from me!
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Joined: Tue May 28, 2019 12:03 pm

Re: Co-op apartment, noisy neighbor

Postby david78 » Thu Nov 07, 2019 11:55 pm

How is this working out?

Not paying your maintenance isn't going to achieve anything, the co-op can levy late fees, put a lien on your apartment, and won't let you transfer / sell it until you are current on the maintenance.
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Oct 23, 2019 11:31 pm

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