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Shared Meter issue, house being sold ?

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Shared Meter issue, house being sold ?

Postby kalaildar » Wed Sep 11, 2013 6:17 pm

(first wanna say that im not the other guy who posted the other thread up top about Shared Meters)

Ok so heres my question

Im renting a place with a month to month lease, and theres an apartment which I am paying the utilities for both me + the basement apartment (not rented by me)

I have an appointment for the utility company to come in, but the owner of the property is (possibly?) in the process of selling the house

If they sell the place before the utility company comes in with its investigation, is my shared meter case dead ?

I dont see how the utility company would be able to inspect the place/move my case forward if the property is no longer owned by the same person.

In addition to that

Has anyone dealt with a shared meter investigation before ? Is there anything I should be looking out for/doing or watching the home owner from doing to prevent my case from getting mangled?

Thanks !
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Postby TenantNet » Thu Sep 12, 2013 7:03 am

You should not be paying utilities for anywhere in the building that is not your apartment. I would get Con Ed in right away and make sure they go back and adjust your bills for any months you did overpay. Usage for those areas should be paid for by the LL or the tenant who occupies those areas.

Let Con ed go after the LL. It's the owner's obligation to separate the meters.

I do not see any difference if the house is sold. The new owner would be required to fix your meter situation, and would likely be liable to Con Ed for any irregularities. The new owner can go after the old owner. In fact, when buying buildings, new owners should perform "due diligence" to discover any claims on the property.
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Postby Emeraldstar » Thu Sep 12, 2013 10:51 am

Hi All
My friend had the same issue and I didn't see a problem with Con Ed's
promptness. They came to inspect meters the next day after call.
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