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Greedy property manager in White Plains, NY

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Greedy property manager in White Plains, NY

Postby Ira8777 » Thu Oct 20, 2016 6:26 pm

My property manager (represents my absentee, out of state landlord who is the sponsor of the buildings at the housing cooperative where I live) has been using me to make complaints against the building owners (who've been suing the sponsor (his boss) for many years and trying to expel him and his tenants from the complex by any means nessecary) in exchange for simply not evicting me or raising my rent so high that I'd have to leave. I'm in a hopeless situation. I've been through many financial hardships in the last ten years and I am not able to move anymore. He (property manager) is now trying to get a seat on the board of directors of the co-op and wants us to cease all complaints. Unfortunately, the co-op hates me now and look for any opportunity to complain about me. He responds to their complaints by telling me I must kiss ass to the people he once forced me to complain about - a form of extortion. Again, I'm in an impossible situation. I have no way out. He's made it clear he values the shareholders of the co-op far more than me since they can elect him to the board and I cannot. He won't fix anything in my apartment. It's as if I don't exist.
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Joined: Thu Oct 20, 2016 5:20 pm

Re: Greedy property manager in White Plains, NY

Postby TenantNet » Thu Oct 20, 2016 8:54 pm

So what's the question? This seems like an internal political squabble.
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