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Vacating A Stipulation

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Vacating A Stipulation

Postby Kurgle » Wed May 24, 2017 2:24 pm

If a tenant apartment is dismantled, completely altered (renovated) an no longer exists in it's original state. It's gone. Despite what the landlord said about relocating the tenant "temporarily" If the apt. is gone, does this mean that as long as there is no apt. then they are no longer a legal tenant? I signed a stipulation without benefit of representation, I was under extreme duress. weeks earlier I'd lost my cooking gas, due to an illegal hookup to my gas meter by my landlord. I was completely unaware of what was going on until I tried using my stove. It was shut off on orders by the DOB for safety reasons. When I went to Housing Court with a HP complaint They suddenly sprang this idea of doing over the building. I had the rug pulled out from under me. All I wanted was my cooking gas restored. I had about 10 minutes to decide, I was pressured into signing the agreement. and regretted it immediately. I tried to get the judge to vacate, but she wouldn't. I never really looked the agreement over until many weeks later. I realized the implications. They lied about doing repairs, I froze all winter, had no hot water, and due to an electrical outage, had no electricity for 3 weeks. Can I vacate the stipulation on a technicality? Since it was deliberately ambiguous. There are legal implications. I am the last remaining tenant. They claim to want to put the building back on the market. 13 years ago, everyone but me were forced to go, they weren't rent controlled. They tried to turn it along with 2 other connected buildings into a yeshiva. Do I stand a chance?
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Re: Vacating A Stipulation

Postby TenantNet » Wed May 24, 2017 2:42 pm

The last time you posted it ws in 2013, something about cooking gas. Is this the same issue? If so, you should post an update to the original thread, not a new thread. What has happened in the interim four years?

Vacating a stip where you were not represented is possible, but you would be well served to get legal assistance. Can you get Legal Aid or Legal Services?
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