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LL wants me out. Help!!

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LL wants me out. Help!!

Postby rocky123 » Fri Jan 03, 2003 10:53 pm

Ok, here's my story. I've lived in my apartment for 3 years with no problems. Do to the unfortunate events here in NY I've been unemployed for about 9 months. Well on January 1st I asked my girlfriend to write a check for my rent because I wasn't sure that my unemployement check had cleared yet and I preferred to not be late with the rent than to wait until after the holiday to speak with my bank and make sure the funds were cleared. To my suprise the LL came to speak to me today to ask me why I gave him her check insinuating that I was trying to pull something because by giving him her check it meant that she was a tenant too and he didn't want that. I explained the situation and told him I didn't know that giving him her check would be such a big deal and wrote him a new check. He told me that between that and the fact that I made too much noise at night (which is a crock because all I do is watch TV) that I should look for someplace else to live, even though he never mentioned the noise to me before. He then told me I shouldn't bring people over(which is none of his business but I've seriously had about 5 quests in 3 years) and that I use the bathroom as a steamroom because the paint on the ceiling is chipping (btw, there is no window in the bathroom and he's painted the ceiling once in 3 years, what does he expect?!?). Then he finished off with the final lie, that he needed the apartment for his son. I told him there was an empty apartment next door for over a year and why did he need my apartment now after he finally rented the apartment next door. He told me it was too small because it was only a studio and the apartment was for his son and his wife and his two kids. Apparently he thinks they will all fit comfortably in my small 1 bedroom apartment!! Sorry for the longwinded story but I needed to rant a little plus I know the more info I give the easier it is for somoeone to help me out. With all that being said, I obviously have no lease and never have..do I have ANY rights at all. Thanks in advance for any help.

<small>[ January 03, 2003, 09:55 PM: Message edited by: rocky123 ]</small>
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Re: LL wants me out. Help!!

Postby Chimera » Fri Jan 03, 2003 11:46 pm

You're in a non-regulated apartment with no lease . . . I'm afraid your only right is to be given 30 days notice to move out. The landlord doesn't even need to give you a reason.

If you really want to stay in that apartment, I suggest that you speak to your landlord about his concerns and try to work things out. Saying that his complaints are lies won't do much to keep your apartment, but if you seem genuine about wanting to work things out he might give you a chance .
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Re: LL wants me out. Help!!

Postby sabrina » Sat Jan 04, 2003 1:06 am

Yes, you must receive a 30-day notice. If you do not move out in 30 days, the LL can begin a holdover eviction. Since you pay your rent and because you are umemployed, the judge may give you 3-6 months (or more) to find a new place to live.

LLs as a group are such assholes as the posts on this forum show. I am now renting a room because my former LL refused to give me a new lease while raising the rent $300 a nonth. I got rid of my furniture because I was moving to the West Coast. Then I had a set back and had to stay in NY. I had to rent a furnished room because it was all I could afford. Now this LL is arbitrarily demanding more money and threatening to cut off the electiicity if I don't pay this blood money. This LL also lies.

You have my sympathy, not that it will help you.
I am reading about various ways to buy a house of my own. I no longer want to rent and to be at the mercy of avaricious and tyrannical LLs.

I now think that first the LLs should be killed.

And that is my rant.

<small>[ January 04, 2003, 12:11 AM: Message edited by: sabrina ]</small>
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Re: LL wants me out. Help!!

Postby Chimera » Sat Jan 04, 2003 1:35 am

That's an awfully vicious sentiment. Some landlords are bad, some tenants are bad . . .

Recouping utility costs isn't what would generally be cosidered 'blood money'. Being cooperative with your landlord can often work wonders, being confrontational will only provoke the same response. Sometimes sucking it up and being nice, even if it hurts, is your only recourse, especially if you don't have a lease!

Good luck

<small>[ January 04, 2003, 03:41 AM: Message edited by: Chimera ]</small>
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Re: LL wants me out. Help!!

Postby sharonlreed2000 » Sun Jan 05, 2003 9:12 am

First you need to find a job. Screw your landlord,he will just have to wait.If he chooses not to wait then he will have to serve you with an eviction.This will take some time and you may be granted time to come up with the money by the judge.Landlords hate this because you can tie them up for 3 to 6 months this way. They have programs that will assist a person who is going thru an eviction with paying the back rent owed and keeping the apartment. Let him serve the eviction. Dont give him your last few dollars,you may need them to find a room if you cant make a decent income in two months or so.
Sounds like he clearly wants you out.My advice save your money,stop paying rent,buy time and let him push his paper giving you time to find a job and save. You can also sue him for harrasment if he doesnt behave himself and even things out financially in court.Gather evidence,try to countersue.
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Re: LL wants me out. Help!!

Postby sabrina » Sun Jan 05, 2003 3:06 pm

This is "vicious."

Last night I called the heat hotline becuase I was freezing. This morning there was a message from my LL telling me to move out in 3 weeks!

To clarify the "blood money" comment. Not getting adequate heat resulted in my buying a heater. This led to a high electricity bill. My LL demanded that I pay it even though utilities are included in my rent. In the interst of being "nice" and "cooperative" I paid her half the money she demanded and said I would pay the rest. I did this despite the fact that I believe I should not have to pay this money. How much nicer can I get?

On Jan.1 and 2 I called her twice each day about the lack of heat. Last night I decided to file a complaint because I don't see why I should beg each day for heat.

I was nice. I paid money I didn't owe. And I have always paid my rent on time and in full.

So what has being nice gotten me?

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