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New York landlord accused of arranging stabbing, beating

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New York landlord accused of arranging stabbing, beating

Postby mjr203 » Tue Mar 11, 2003 11:20 am

article in the Boston Globe


freaking animals out there, I tell ya.



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most Landlords suck it.
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Re: New York landlord accused of arranging stabbing, beating

Postby jot0n0 » Tue Mar 11, 2003 1:49 pm

Forgive me if I missed the point, but what is the relevance between the linked article, "Amid budget cuts, public employees told to stop cell chats" and Landlords & Tenants issues?

Perhaps you inadvertently put the wrong link up?

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Re: New York landlord accused of arranging stabbing, beating

Postby eastsidah » Tue Mar 11, 2003 3:40 pm

So, is this an example of why we need rent reg's or an example of why we we don't?
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Re: New York landlord accused of arranging stabbing, beating

Postby Cranky Tenant » Tue Mar 11, 2003 5:58 pm

Didn't work when I tried it the first time either but, later in the day I was able to get this

New York landlord accused of arranging stabbing, beating of rent-control tenants
By Associated Press, 3/10/2003 11:19

NEW YORK (AP) A landlord who wanted two brothers out of a rent-controlled apartment so he could raise the rent has been arrested for hiring two other tenants to beat and stab them, authorities said.

The landlord, Juan Basagoitia, was arraigned Sunday on charges of conspiracy and burglary. He was ordered held without bail.

Basagoitia, 47, was arrested after last Tuesday's attack on William and David Lavery in the borough of Queens, police said.

Prosecutors said Basagoitia wanted to evict the brothers and raise the monthly rent by more than $1,400. He agreed to pay David Robles and Danny Machuca to sneak into the brothers' apartment, police said.

The attackers were arrested on attempted murder charges and told police that Basagoitia promised them $2,500 to kill the brothers, said Patrick Clark, a spokesman for prosecutors.

Basagoitia told authorities he only wanted the men to be injured.

The brothers were hospitalized in stable condition Monday.
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Re: New York landlord accused of arranging stabbing, beating

Postby MikeW » Wed Mar 12, 2003 11:28 am


It is a prime example of what rent regulation has wrought. Take a person, force them to maintain a business relationship they don't want, with people he doesn't want to deal with, when those people can be easily replaced in a situation that is much more advantageous to him. Then say that person is not entirely playing with a full deck, and / or is not of a particularly moral constitution, and this is what happens.

FWIW, this used to happen much more often, on a much bigger scale, and in a much more organized fashion.
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Re: New York landlord accused of arranging stabbing, beating

Postby mbrenner » Wed Mar 12, 2003 12:21 pm

As some of you may know, it is very difficult to
win a harrassment charge against a landlord in
NYC. I guess the brothers won't have a problem
with this case.

What happened is really awful. And scary.

Re: New York landlord accused of arranging stabbing, beating

Postby Cranky Tenant » Wed Mar 12, 2003 7:52 pm

Originally posted by MikeW:

It is a prime example of what rent regulation has wrought. Take a person, force them to maintain a business relationship they don't want, with people he doesn't want to deal with, when those people can be easily replaced in a situation that is much more advantageous to him. Then say that person is not entirely playing with a full deck, and / or is not of a particularly moral constitution, and this is what happens.
Some Landlords may not be playing with a full deck but, how many people do you think were actually forced to become landlords?

Rent Regulation has been around for quite some time. Some may be second generation landlords but most of them bought into this well after the laws were in place.
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Re: New York landlord accused of arranging stabbing, beating

Postby tiredsecy » Wed Mar 19, 2003 12:43 pm

If it weren't for rent stabilization then a whole lot of people couldn't afford living in NYC. Mostly poor people and middle class folk making less than $30,000 a year. Interestingly, no one has offered a solid viable solution on how to resolve the housing issue for the homeless and for the poor, and for the middle class. They are only told to "get a job" or "get out" and...go where? More and more places in the urban sprawls are getting priced out by people who consider themselves middle class but actually are closer to the rich bracket and will pay through the nose for an apartment instead of just buying a house in the suburbs. Why? Because of convenience - who wants to travel the two hours back and forth to work? Let the poor people do that and pay for the rising cost to travel to boot. And tax 'em too!

As far as landlords not being able to make a huge profit over rent stabilized buildings -- I understand there are alaso lots of landlords who have buildings with zooming priced apartments for the laughable market rate, make huge profit and STILL won't make the damned repairs required -- in one building in Chelsea, there is a HUGE rat problem -- while some idiots are paying $3,000 to $4,000 a month for a STUDIO -- this is a room with no kitchen and a small bathroom, no bedroom, folks. There are constant water leaks in apartments and the Landlord is slow to come fix. Surprise surprise -- so it's not about the money or lack thereof, it's the landlord.

So as far as money being the issue, I don't think so. The thing I see is that if rent stabilization is abolished it will only cause a free for all and make it all that much more comfortable for the landlords -- the rents to continue to skyrocket and tenants will no longer have any say which will open the door to more abuse towards tenants who will be at their "mercy" for a place to live -- the power for the most part despite the rent stabilization law is still with the landlords, folks, especially after the weakening of the laws a couple years back, so don't believe the hype.
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Re: New York landlord accused of arranging stabbing, beating

Postby Lilly » Wed Mar 19, 2003 6:03 pm

I would also like to add that those 2nd generation landlords, those who inherited their buildings, and even those who bought more than 5 years ago: They must have equity, sometimes HUGE equity in those buildings because property values have gone up so much. So, refinance, or take a 2nd martgage, make those capital improvements, and raise the rents through MCI's. Or am I wrong here?
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