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Finding current LLC owner

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Finding current LLC owner

Postby tennant777 » Mon Mar 29, 2021 12:24 pm

I believe the laws on this have changed recently.
My situation is that building is managed by an LLC and I can see the old mortgage info with names but the LLC was switched to another person not on the mortgage. The mortgage paid up. I need to see the actual owner. I've tried the NY State department but I just get the old LLC info. Any info or strategies would be great. Thanks.
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Re: Finding current LLC owner

Postby TenantNet » Mon Mar 29, 2021 12:48 pm

You should look at Acris, the database for property registrations.

Is this a rental, coop or condo? Is your unit rent stabilized?
What laws have changed recently?
How do you know the ownership has changed?
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Re: Finding current LLC owner

Postby tennant777 » Tue Mar 30, 2021 10:12 am

Yes they just have the LLC and a PO box for the address on Acris.
It's a rental and the other units in the building are stabilized or one is actually under rent control. I've heard that the owner changed and I've seen him once or twice at the building.

Here is an article about seeing "Beneficial Owners" which looks like it will begin to change in 2022?! https://www.forbes.com/sites/joshuastei ... b029b43cc6

This part is interesting....
"The legislation says the new disclosures will be used “only” for law enforcement, tax administration, and similar purposes, and must remain confidential. But the government’s new organized collection of juicy information will attract interest from all kinds of people, starting with divorce lawyers, private investigators, reporters, and activists looking for people to harass. It would take a simple amendment of the law to allow access for, e.g., any “legitimate” purpose."

The main issue is that the owner consistently puts no money back in the building to the point that's it's been dangerous. They have also racked up many fees due to neglect rather than take care of problems. The managers don't really have control over this. It all comes from the hidden owner. I need to know who is ultimately responsible.
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Re: Finding current LLC owner

Postby TenantNet » Tue Mar 30, 2021 10:27 am

The LLC changes does not mean that the public will be able to see the date, which in effect means, no change.

If they sue a tenant in court, I believe the court papers will have to be signed by the actual owner or managing agent. However, that means the corporate name would be listed, not any person who has an ownership interest.

A good private investigator might be able to come up with the information, if it's that important. Maybe discovery in court would do it as well, bu you don't get discovery as-of-right in housing court.

None of the agencies or courts will rule on an owner who "puts no money back into the building..."
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Re: Finding current LLC owner

Postby tennant777 » Wed Mar 31, 2021 2:10 pm

Thanks. Yes. I agree with all this.
I would just really like run a check on the owner.
Also the building has been through multiple managers because they can't deal with him.
Or the owner has no idea what he is doing or how to actually develop property.
It all becomes very suspect with these LLCs.
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