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No more rent (by nationwide decree)?

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No more rent (by nationwide decree)?

Postby sr77 » Sat Aug 07, 2021 11:15 am

Nationwide eviction moratorium extended plus no more rent due to landlords?

Is this for real in NYC?

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Re: No more rent (by nationwide decree)?

Postby TenantNet » Sat Aug 07, 2021 11:51 am

Fox news, Tucker Carlson, are you serious? My answer here does not mean this forum is open season for arguing about moratoriums. But a few words are appropriate.

If you want accurate information on what is happening, you should find other sources of news (not just one source, but many).

Of course rent is still due to LLs. Do you still have a lease? Do you still get monthly rent bills?
What's different - and has been for over a year - is that LLs are limited in how an when they can take tenants to court and obtain eviction orders.

Holdover proceedings - usually due to lease violations or nuisance claims - have not been stopped.

The limit is for non-pay proceedings. With the pandemic, many tenants lost their jobs or had income severely limited. More over, many courts (with crowded halls and small court rooms) just stopped functioning, so there is a huge backlog. Some cases are being heard via video, like a zoom call.

Even with all that, the back rent is piling up, and yes, tenants are still liable for that. Rent Relief, if it ever gets out there in a significant way, allows for some or all back rent to be paid, and it goes directly to the LLs.

So Tucker Carlson is just plain wrong, and like he always does, is being inflammatory. And while he is stirring up right-wing grievances, he completely ignores that we are all in (and continue to be in) a public health emergency. People are still getting COVID, they are still being hospitalized and they are still dying.

And of course he also blames it all on Biden and the Democrats (and I am not a hard-core Democrat), ignoring that the original CDC moratorium was created ... by Donald Trump's CDC.

Yes, many small LLs are in a bind, still owing property taxes and mortgage debt. But OTOH, many landlords - even small ones - have had almost 25 years of deregulation allowing rents to skyrocket. I have seen many apartments that had rents of around $500-$600 per month back in the mid-1990s jump to $3,000 to $4,000 now. This has been a huge windfall for landlords. So feeling sorry for landlords? That's also limited.
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Re: No more rent (by nationwide decree)?

Postby sr77 » Sun Aug 08, 2021 6:11 am

Tucker Carlson was just quoting the decree of the head of the CDC.
He also wasn't the only news source for this.
But it does seem unlikely.
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Re: No more rent (by nationwide decree)?

Postby TenantNet » Sun Aug 08, 2021 10:13 am

He was misstating it, that's what Carlson does. There is no other "source" unless you mean some other Fox News hosts, Newsmax or conspiracy blogs. The updated CDC order was well publicized - by the administration and by Pres. Biden. All the major news outlets reported on this. Nothing was tucked away for Carlson or others to unearth.
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Re: No more rent (by nationwide decree)?

Postby sr77 » Sun Aug 08, 2021 1:55 pm

I don't follow Carlson but have occasionally clicked on YouTube sidebar thumbnails and viewed short excerpts from some of his programs. Some of those have been with people distinctly on the Left (e.g, Glenn Greenwald) who don't seem to find him objectionable.

In the linked video he said that the Biden administration is suggesting it has the power to assume a dictatorial position in determining rental policy, even after conceding that it lacks any legal authority to do so. It remains to be seen what action, if any, that leads to.

What did Carlson misstate?
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Re: No more rent (by nationwide decree)?

Postby TenantNet » Sun Aug 08, 2021 2:48 pm

You know this forum is not for these discussions (see the Forum rules above). I occasionally allow some leeway, but you seem to be pressing this even though I answered your question. If you want to believe in Trumpism and all that goes along with it, that's your business. But you should probably exercise such hypocrisy elsewhere. Yes, Carlson was wrong. Let's stop this thread.
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Re: No more rent (by nationwide decree)?

Postby BubbaJoe123 » Mon Aug 09, 2021 10:48 am

The CDC has extended the Federal eviction ban in areas of substantial and high transmission (which includes NYC) until October 3rd (it had expired on July 31st).

https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2021 ... order.html
https://www.cnbc.com/2021/08/03/cdc-wil ... oct-3.html

With that said, the ban was challenged in the Federal Courts earlier this summer, and the Supreme Court made it quite clear in a ruling at the end of June that it thought the ban exceeded the CDC's powers absent Congressional authorization, but the Court didn't act because the ban was scheduled to expire in a month (at the end of July) anyway). Now that it's been extended, another court challenge is very likely, and will most likely prevail.

https://www.politico.com/news/2021/06/2 ... ban-497090
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Re: No more rent (by nationwide decree)?

Postby TenantNet » Mon Aug 09, 2021 11:26 am

Yes, we know what happened. OP was pushing the Fox News line that the CDC order is some sort of dictatorial decree. Where were these people when Trump was signing one executive order after another, often against migrants or Muslims?

The point is that we are still in a public health emergency and over 600,000 Americans have died. The US President does have authority to issue executive orders to protect the public. I've seen a number of recent stories where the anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers, when they catch COVID and die, say "Oops, I changed my mind. "

One article I saw said some SCOTUS observers are saying don't put too much credence in Brett Kavanaugh's statement about any ban must come from Congress. No one knows, but if the court swings that way, how many people in the interim might have been saved from COVID or eviction?

In any case, I said above, please let's stop this thread. So I'm locking it. Remember this is a tenant help forum.
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