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landlord doing sketchy dhcr registration

NYC Rent Regulation: Rent Control/Rent Stabilized, DHCR Practice/Procedures

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landlord doing sketchy dhcr registration

Postby Bd212nyc » Tue Dec 07, 2021 10:29 pm

This concerns landlord changing my apt #, which is “4A” (not really) to 04A.
All my registrations going back many years show apt 4A. Landlord purchased building 2014. 2015 dhcr registration shows “04A” as do 2016 and 2017. 2018 registration reverts back to “4A” and then the entire annual registration history for my apt disappears. “Reg not found” from 1984 thru 2018.
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Re: landlord doing sketchy dhcr registration

Postby TenantNet » Tue Dec 07, 2021 11:03 pm

We had a long thread on something similar recently (look around on the forum - you can find it).

But there were more things going on there - the LL was combining units. Anything like that going on in your location, or is it simply a change from 4A to 04A and nothing else?

This impacts your registration, but could also impact other governmental filings, i.e. HPD. Any violations on your unit?

Have you asked the LL what's going on and did he give you an honest answer or just bullshit? Are other tenants having the same thing happen to them? I would first dig around quietly to see what's really going on.

If it's just that ask the LL to make the correction with DHCR, that your old history should apply to the new number, or he should revert back to the old number? If he won't then the ball is in your court. I would also check with the USPS to see its policy - if any - on apt. numbering.
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Re: landlord doing sketchy dhcr registration

Postby Bd212nyc » Thu Dec 09, 2021 1:42 pm

Simply a change from 4A to 04A, then back to 4A.
Yes, plenty of violations in my RS apt.
Havent asked Landlord bc all communications go thru managing agent who never ever responds.
Not just me, they ignore any and all tenants in bldgs they manage.
As for violations, Landlord has attny handling this so i have to deal with attny.
I dont want to deal w attny! Feels like a set up. These are all formal hpd and dob violations.
Thank you
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Re: landlord doing sketchy dhcr registration

Postby TenantNet » Thu Dec 09, 2021 2:39 pm

If back to 4A, then that issue is resolved, yes?

On violations. send a certified letter Return Receipt Requested to the LL (not the atty) offering three dates for access for repairs to be made. Some repairs might be complicated and could take more than one day. Don't let them ride all over you. Take many photos, keep copies of all communication.
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Re: landlord doing sketchy dhcr registration

Postby Bd212nyc » Sat Dec 11, 2021 8:01 pm

Thank you
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Re: landlord doing sketchy dhcr registration

Postby TenantNet » Sat Dec 11, 2021 9:41 pm

Forgot to mention, see threads on access in the Forum Reference section - see link above.
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Re: landlord doing sketchy dhcr registration

Postby Bd212nyc » Wed Dec 15, 2021 9:03 pm

This year alone, March thru now, ive notified Landlord and attny 56+ days of access. They showed up 4 days. 2019, when this orig started , over 68 days access.2020 was lock down.
Whats the procedure to do to “repair and deduct”? Do you know what paperwork needed to send to Landlord? Thank you.
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Re: landlord doing sketchy dhcr registration

Postby TenantNet » Wed Dec 15, 2021 10:37 pm

This is unclear ... you notified the LL that had access on 56 days? Did you notify in writing? Did they confirm an actual date(s), or did you just wait there all day for them to show up. Please clarify. You have to make sure they are not taking advantage of you, even if COVID keeps all of us inside. Don't be a victim; don't be your worst enemy - many tenants are.

You have to offer and the LL has to agree to specific dates and time, not "in the afternoon, maybe." If they don't confirm, then that's not an appointment. You have to be firm and hold them to it. I give the LL 2-hour blocks of time, requiring them to confirm two days in advance. If they find themselves running late, they can call me. But if they don't comply with these conditions, then I won't allow then in.

And as with COVID, any workers MUST wear masks and MUST show proof of vaccination, 2 times plus a booster. People are dying 1,200 a day on average.

If the access is just for an inspection, in my view you have the right to tell them to come back when COVID has subsided.

Repair and Deduct is tricky as there are no laws that allow it, and none that prohibit it. It depends on a number of factors and the good will of a judge. You have to document the efforts you made to get the LL to make repairs. Send letters by certified mail; offer at least three dates for access. You can require confirmation of an appointment and COVID procedures. It should be a serious problem, like a broken window and not something cosmetic. If you bring in your own workmen to do the work, you should apply the same COVID protections you demand of the landlord.

And if you do this, you must have estimates and receipts. It's tricky, so be careful.
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Re: landlord doing sketchy dhcr registration

Postby Bd212nyc » Thu Dec 16, 2021 10:54 pm

Yes, specific dates were arranged: 2019 as per stips in housing court, 4 stips in total. Nothing got done, then covid hit and courts shut down. I still made efforts in 2021 with Landlord to get the work done.
I notified Landlord, and his attnys per their requests for access. The most recent example: i emailed Landlord November 30 of access dates 12/8, ,12/9, 12/10 and 12/15, 12/16, 12/17. 6 days of access. Confirmed with Landlord December 2. 1 workman came 12/8 at 10am, left at 2:30p. Nothing since then. Attny emailed me today re access dates for electrician. .. i advised her of the current 6 days of access….her response was that “landlord has an electrician”. Yawn. 56 days of agreed upon access and workmen come 4 days out of 56.. im a prisoner here. I cant leave bc ivd got to be here bc i agreed to access. Its part of the ongoing harassment. So, repair and deduct. I notified Landlord 9/2020 of my intent if violations werent repaired by March___, 2021.also, HPD wants to do the work.
I should let them. HPD did emergency work here last year when Landlord didnt for over 2 yrs.
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Re: landlord doing sketchy dhcr registration

Postby TenantNet » Thu Dec 16, 2021 11:22 pm

" I cant leave bc ivd got to be here bc i agreed to access."

Of course you can leave. Don't do this to yourself. Don't be a victim.

Be careful of HPD Emergency Repair. They hire contractors that - in my opinion - often do shoddy work. HPD pays them the lowest possible rate.
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Re: landlord doing sketchy dhcr registration

Postby Bd212nyc » Fri Dec 17, 2021 12:14 pm

Re HPD contractors: ive one experience with their contractors. They did much better work than LLs ever did. They didnt make things worse, which Landlord did every time & they didnt trash things. About being prisoner in my own apt: i absolutely should have specified access starting 9am; if workmen dont arrive by 12p , i can leave. Im so stressed, i never thought of that. Thank you for your excellent advice.
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Re: landlord doing sketchy dhcr registration

Postby TenantNet » Fri Dec 17, 2021 12:39 pm

I give the LL a two-hour window. That's it. If they are running late, they can call me (they never do). Even if you have no plans to go out, if it's beyond the time window, just don't answer the door. Just be sure to document everything. Have a person call you on the (land line) phone at the end of the window period so if needed, they can submit an affidavit that you were home.
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Re: landlord doing sketchy dhcr registration

Postby BubbaJoe123 » Tue Dec 28, 2021 12:33 pm

TenantNet wrote:Have a person call you on the (land line) phone at the end of the window period so if needed, they can submit an affidavit that you were home.

As an alternative, in the event you don't have a landline phone (most households don't at this point), you can have someone videochat you (zoom, facetime, skype, etc.) so they can see that you're in your apartment and could submit the affidavit if needed.
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