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9-5 Income Vs. Other Income For Renting

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Re: 9-5 Income Vs. Other Income For Renting

Postby palmel4 » Thu Oct 03, 2002 11:14 am

I'd also like to add, do you know how many people have gone through abuse in their lives? WHERE IS THEIR TRUST FUND?
Regardless of the reason why you got your trust fund, you need to realize how lucky you really are.
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Re: 9-5 Income Vs. Other Income For Renting

Postby JulieA » Thu Oct 03, 2002 2:47 pm

A) I do not have an $80,000. a year trust fund. That was just a hypothetical example.

B) My question was not about trust funds, or asking for a moral discussion regarding trust funds, it was about renting an apartment. Yet the trust fund is persistently the focus in responses here.

C) This is an example of how, what always was my party, the Democratic party, has changed.

Excerpt (NY Press): <<<< Best Reason to Leave the Democratic Party:

You’re Not Jealous of Rich People…

…In Which Case party leaders have nothing to say to you. Every debate with a Democrat leads back to one of those two bugbears–usually both. If you happen to actually know and like some wealthy
people and at least one politically active Christian, it quickly starts to feel as if your intelligence is being insulted. Jealously and fear are painful emotions. Anyone who wants us to experience more of them than is necessary, we figure, deserves our contempt. We want to debate the war on terrorism, the business scandals, homeland security, school choice and the national economy. But we’re going to do so thoughtfully. The Democratic Party seems to think that appealing to irrational emotions makes tactical sense. Maybe it does. Maybe it’s even worth losing a few rational intellectuals who are turned off by what we see as shameless frauds, enormous missed opportunities and decades’ worth of squandered political energy. Problem for the Dems is, that’s a lot of smart cookies, and we’re not all going to just sit on the sidelines. After all, the other side enjoys real debate. >>>>
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Re: 9-5 Income Vs. Other Income For Renting

Postby mjr203 » Thu Oct 03, 2002 3:26 pm

now read the last two editions of the Village Voice and call me in the morning

most Landlords suck it.
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Re: 9-5 Income Vs. Other Income For Renting

Postby palmel4 » Fri Oct 04, 2002 10:35 am

Wait a minute. Now you don't have a trust fund? You need to give the correct information. Either you have a trust fund, or you don't. Why did you let FairSpectator and others go on and on about your trust fund if it was hypothetical??? And was that whole story about being abused hypothetical as well?
B. If you wanted the discussion to be about renting an apartment, why DO YOU start talking about everything else, from Big Brother, to conformity, to globalization? Hello, what was all that about the democratic party??? What does that have to do with getting an apartment? You get annoyed when someone else addresses the issue about the trust fund, yet it's okay for you to get off the subject again and again.
You ARE a paradox.
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Re: 9-5 Income Vs. Other Income For Renting

Postby JulieA » Fri Oct 04, 2002 8:13 pm

First, my question was not about trust funds, it was about getting an apartment. Secondly, if I digressed and spoke about politics, it was in reaction to the emphasis placed on the trust fund rather than on my desire for answers about finding an apartment.

I had always thought it was not very polite to go on about how much money someone does or does not have. That's what I was taught.

I have just noticed, in the last several years, this tendency that has developed for these constant comparisons, as if we are all cookie cutter specimans, and it is demanded that we all be identical.

I gave a hypothetical example of a trust fund so I could receive an answer to my question. Gees, no wonder the rich hide behind high walls!
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Re: 9-5 Income Vs. Other Income For Renting

Postby ChrisG » Sat Oct 05, 2002 12:48 am

on usenet, we have a name for people who post just to get a rise out of people: trolls.

while i'm not entirely convinced that's what's going on here, it has all the earmarks.

bottom line, if you have proof of income, a landlord shouldn't care how it manifests itself, unless it sounds shady. nonstandard things like trust funds, or lottery payoffs, as long as there is sufficient evidence to prove them reliable sources of income, should make no difference to a landlord. it if does, then the landlord is just plain dumb. move on.
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Re: 9-5 Income Vs. Other Income For Renting

Postby TenantNet » Sat Oct 05, 2002 3:23 am

No, this was not a troll, although the poster might have been a bit more clear that it was hypothetical. An examples of a troll is, "We all know rent stab causes abandonment, don't we..." You get that on usenet and we don't allow it here - which is why (for the most part) the level of discussion here has higher clarity and purpose. As to the question, there are no laws regarding minimum income and credit for rental. LLs are not required to check income and there is no minimum that tenants must make in order to rent. But there's no real prohibition either. Many LLs can and will check tenants income (and in our view that should be from all sources). Some will say a LL that fails to do this is stupid. However potential renters should be on guard that denials, which may be couched on an income-related basis, not be based on other factors such as type of employment, race or other factors. Some of those denials may be illegal and those with questions should check the City and State Human Rights departments.
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Re: 9-5 Income Vs. Other Income For Renting

Postby JulieA » Sat Oct 05, 2002 9:34 am

Thank you.

I suppose the hypothetical trust was a bad example to use.

As far as the criteria used by landlords to accept or reject a tenant is concerned, sometimes I'm sure it must be very hard to prove whether it is prejudicial or not, ie. based of personal or political likes and dislikes.

I think no matter how many laws may be passed to prevent discrimination, it will, sadly, always manage to sneak in there anyway, in one form or another.
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Re: 9-5 Income Vs. Other Income For Renting

Postby Cranky Tenant » Sat Oct 05, 2002 11:17 am

Some LLs just prefer to have tenants who aren't home much and a 9 to 5 job guarateees you won't be there much of the day. Maybe they think there'll be more wear and tear on the apartment or the tenant will complain more if the water goes out during the day.

It's not uncommon to see "Working Couple Preferred" in a lot of apartment ads. It's certainly not fair but maybe it's a hint that any apartment advertised this way may not be the best choice for anyone who doesn't have a 9 to 5 job..
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Re: 9-5 Income Vs. Other Income For Renting

Postby Cranky Tenant » Sun Oct 06, 2002 2:48 am

Originally posted by TenantNet:
As to the question, there are no laws regarding minimum income and credit for rental. LLs are not required to check income and there is no minimum that tenants must make in order to rent. But there's no real prohibition either. Many LLs can and will check tenants income (and in our view that should be from all sources). Some will say a LL that fails to do this is stupid. However potential renters should be on guard that denials, which may be couched on an income-related basis, not be based on other factors such as type of employment, race or other factors. Some of those denials may be illegal and those with questions should check the City and State Human Rights departments.
Looks like my last post came in a bit late on this discussion.. but since we've digressed a bit from the norm I think it might be interesting to add a few more comments.

Agreed. LLs aren't required to run credit checks, have minimum income requirements, in-state guarantors, or have the tenant's social security number. I suspect this trend was generated by Real Estate brokers who needed to give LLs a reason to list their apartments with them.

And, these so called requirements certainly do make for a convenient excuse to deny housing to anyone the RE agent or LL just doesn't like.
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Re: 9-5 Income Vs. Other Income For Renting

Postby JulieA » Sun Oct 06, 2002 6:03 pm

<<<<And, these so called requirements certainly do make for a convenient excuse to deny housing to anyone the RE agent or LL just doesn't like. >>>

I suppose it partly comes down to supply and demand, although these procedures are done everywhere now.

In an age in which diversity is sought, rigid requirements to obtain housing, etc. do not seem very conducive to that end.
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Re: 9-5 Income Vs. Other Income For Renting

Postby Cranky Tenant » Sun Oct 06, 2002 10:30 pm

It all depends on how you define diversity. One LL I know of was concerned that too many of her tenants worked on Wall Street, and that if the market went south, they wouldn't be able to pay their rent.

You really never know what a LL might find desireable or undesireable.
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