The Rent Stabilization Department has an in-house legal staff whose function is to provide routine legal services to the Rent Stabilization Department and Commission. This division is the primary liaison between the department and City Attorney and Prosecutor's offices.
Major Accomplishments FY 94-95:
The administrative decisions which were reached by the Hearing Examiner's and affirmed by the Commission regarding whether or not peculiar circumstances are a pre-requisite to adjusting disproportionately low base rents, were ultimately affirmed by the Court of Appeal in Klaparda v West Hollywood. Resolutions of this issue has allowed the Department to proceed in the processing of increase applications without major changes following the Vega decision.
Goals & Objectives FY 95-96:
- Transfer activities of this division to RSD Administration.
Major Cost Items:
Professional Services and Personnel.
Major Increase or Decrease From FY 94-95 Budget:
None.West Hollywood Rent Stabilization Index